Please support Marlin and Aaron in their goal to raise $15,000 for the Skyfarm this month.

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In the Fall of 2021, just weeks after the Skyfarm first came into our lives at Blackwood, we were contacted by Marlin, our very first volunteer.

After reading an announcement that we would be operating the rooftop farm at POST Houston, Marlin wrote to us, “I am retired, live nearby and love soil!”

Since that day, he has tirelessly committed his time, talents, and warm, generous spirit to helping us achieve all of our major milestones.

Now, Marlin is helping us reach another milestone with a community fundraiser and special volunteer day in honor of his 77th birthday for two high-impact developments at the Skyfarm:

  1. Educational signage for visitors to the farm, and
  2. A pilot program for an educational outreach partnership between the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department and Blackwood (see more details below)

Marlin knows that nothing transformative happens without the power of community, and that each connection we make amplifies that power.

At our first Skyfarm Volunteer Day, Marlin and our very own staff member R. Aaron Flores became fast friends, and they are sharing in this celebration in honor of Aaron’s February birthday as well.

Marlin & Aaron will raise funds throughout the month and invite friends, donors, volunteers, and all of Houston to celebrate and share the love with them on Saturday, February 25 at a Special Skyfarm Volunteer Day from 11 AM to 3 PM when we will be prepping the farm for Spring planting.

Click here to donate >>   |   Click here to volunteer >>

Whether you volunteer, donate, or simply stop by for a Second Servings-rescued cupcake on 2/25 with Marlin and Aaron, we are grateful for any support toward the Skyfarm and the community impact it allows us. Second Servings is another organization dear to Marlin, and this Spring we hope to formalize a partnership with them to donate surplus food from future growing seasons at the Skyfarm.

All funds will go toward the following immediate needs at the Skyfarm:

  1. Design, production, and installation of educational signage to be placed along the entire perimeter of the Skyfarm with QR codes directing visitors to information about the current crops and experiments running at the farm, and
  2. Direct expenses for Blackwood to conduct a pilot program with the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department this Spring.
    • Through this program, Blackwood will provide nature, food, and agriculture education at the Juvenile Detention Center just blocks away from the Skyfarm, as well as the HCJPD’s other facilities in Katy and Seabrook.
    • During this pilot, residents at the Juvenile Detention Center will gain hands-on farm education by starting seeds indoors for the Skyfarm’s Spring and Summer seasons.
    • While sentenced at JDC, the residents who are between 10-17 years old do not have access to the outdoors. Through this program, however, they will have a lasting impact on Houston’s community farm and the largest rooftop farm in Texas, with opportunities for them to stay involved after release.