Overnight Programs for Students
Overnight Stays
Stay at Blackwood with your group or class overnight and immerse yourself in life on our farm!
Overnight Stays Overview
From this experience, students take home with them a deep appreciation of nature and their place in it. In one short week, students fall in love with the land and gain an enduring commitment to honor and preserve the natural world.
Our overnight stays begin with an orientation and tour, as well as assistance in developing a daily routine. You have the opportunity to implement your own ideas for curriculum using the land, as well as access to all of the curriculum we utilize for groups on single day-trips.
Daily curricular options provided by us can be found on our school and organization visit page. We can provide up to 4 hours of daily programming during your stay, ensuring your students fully connect with the farm and walk away with a new perspective and new tools. Curricular involvement of farm staff needs to be planned and scheduled in advance.
Finally, groups are encouraged to strategize with students on how to prepare and cook their meals. Please ask about including meals, snacks, and beverages.