Support Our Work
Donate to Blackwood
There are several different ways you can support our mission at Blackwood.
Give to Blackwood
Please fill out entire form. You will be directed to Stripe payment page to fill out your credit card information after you click “Submit”.
There are several different ways you can support our mission at Blackwood. Voluteer, bring your school, share your Blackwood story, or help sustain us financially by donating to our programs.
‣ To donate by mail, please mail checks to P.O. Box 271347, Houston, TX, 77277.
‣ Through Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of purchases to the charity of your choice. You support Blackwood each time you make a purchase using this link:
‣ Many companies match (or triple!) their employees’ charitable contributions. To see if your workplace offers a matching gifts program, check with your employer or look to see if they’re listed here. Blackwood’s tax ID is EIN 76-0617108.
Recurring Gifts to Blackwood
Underwrite Blackwood Camps
Please fill out entire form. You will be directed to Stripe payment page to fill out your credit card information after you click “Submit”.
At Blackwood, we want every child to have the opportunity to explore nature in a safe environment. Our goal is to never turn down a child’s call to adventure. Please help us maintain this goal by sponsoring a child for one of our camps.
When you underwrite a camper, you get something in return! Check out the exciting options you can earn below.
Additionally, we will add the name or company name of any full or partial underwriters to our website, which will be visible as a Nature Camp Underwriter for the remainder of the calendar year. All underwriter names or logos are eligible for renewal at the beginning of each calendar year in January.
EAGLE EYE: $50 – $99 (Provide a camper’s meals for a week)
Gift of appreciation: name on our camp sponsor page
NORTH BY NORTHWEST: $100 – $199 (Sponsor a camper’s meals and all activities )
Gifts of appreciation: Ball cap and name on camp sponsor page
CAPTURE THE FLAG: $200 – $500 (Sponsor half a week of camp)
Gifts of appreciation: Ball cap, t-shirt and name on camp sponsor page
RINGALEVIO: $850+ (Sponsor a camper(s) for a full week)
Gifts of appreciation: Ball cap, t-shirt, Farm Hands Salve, name or logo on camp sponsor page