“O” is for Organic

We’ve all seen the label on our foods in the grocery store: “Organic.” But what does that label really mean? Organic is a term that means a given food has been produced through approved standards by the Organic Food Production Act, USDA organic regulations, and the...

“N” is for Nutrient Management

“N” IS FOR NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Sustainable and environmentally friendly, nutrient management is the practice of using and adding soil nutrients as efficiently as possible to increase productivity of crop yields. Why is it used? One of the most prevalent indicators of...

“M” is for Managed Grazing

Managed grazing is when livestock only graze in one part of a pasture (paddock) at a time, allowing the other parts of the pasture to “rest” in between, which promotes the growth of grasses. Managed grazing is beneficial for two reasons: it ensures the livestock is...

“L” is for Local Community Food System

To boil it down, a food system is “the path that food travels from field to fork.” (Learn, Grow, Connect) The scale of food systems can vary. Our current agriculture policies encourage the growth of large-scale food systems on a globalized scale. However, this...

“K” is for Kyusei Nature Farming

In Japanese, “kyusei” translates to “saving,” so Kyusei Nature Farming broadly means to “save the world through natural farming.” Kyusei Nature Farming is a combination of organic farming and Effective Micro-organisms which boost soil conditions and yield a greater...